Did You Know These Top React Native Dev Tools?

React Native is a widely used mobile app development framework that enables developers to build native applications for both Android and iOS platforms using a single codebase. This powerful framework, created by Facebook, leverages JavaScript and React to deliver high-performance mobile apps that provide a seamless user experience.

Key benefits of using React Native for developers and businesses include:

  • Cross-platform compatibility: Write once and deploy on both iOS and Android.
  • Faster development cycles: Reuse code across platforms, reducing time and effort.
  • Rich ecosystem: Access to numerous libraries and tools that streamline development.
  • Strong community support: Extensive documentation and active community forums.

This article focuses on the best tools for React that top developers rely on for React Native development. Each tool’s features and advantages will be showcased in detail. Both Android and iOS platforms will be covered in the recommended tools, ensuring comprehensive support for your React Native projects.

UI Libraries for Enhanced User Experience

Creating a visually appealing and responsive app is crucial in mobile development. UI libraries are essential React JS tools that can help achieve this goal by providing pre-built components that make the development process faster and ensure consistency and quality. When it comes to React Native developer tools, there are several UI libraries available that are worth considering.

React Native Elements

React Native Elements is a widely used UI library that simplifies the creation of stylish and functional user interfaces.


React Native Elements is a cross-platform UI toolkit that contains a comprehensive set of customizable components. Its modular structure allows developers to import only the elements they need, optimizing performance.

Key Features

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Components work seamlessly on both iOS and Android.
  • Customizability: Extensive theming options enable developers to align the app’s appearance with brand guidelines.
  • Rich Component Set: Includes essential elements like buttons, icons, sliders, and more.
  • Consistent Design Language: Ensures uniformity across different devices and screen sizes.

React Native Paper

React Native Paper focuses on bringing Material Design to React Native applications, providing a cohesive look and feel.


Developed by Callstack, React Native Paper offers a collection of customizable components adhering to Material Design guidelines. It aims to make the design process straightforward while maintaining high standards.

Key Features

  • Material Design Compliance: Follows Google’s Material Design principles for a modern look.
  • Customizable Components: Allows theming to match brand aesthetics.
  • Accessibility: Built with accessibility in mind, supporting screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  • Performance Optimization: Components are optimized for performance on both platforms.


NativeBase offers a comprehensive suite of cross-platform UI components that are essential for building stunning mobile apps with React Native builder.


NativeBase provides an extensive library of UI components designed specifically for mobile app development React Native. It emphasizes ease of use and flexibility, allowing developers to create high-quality user interfaces quickly.

Key Features

  • Cross-Platform Components: Ensures consistent behavior across iOS and Android.
  • Theming Support: Offers robust theming capabilities to customize app aesthetics.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed guides and examples make it easy to get started.
  • Integration-Friendly: Works well with other popular libraries like Redux and React Navigation.

By leveraging these powerful React Native UI libraries, developers can significantly enhance their app’s user experience. The choice between these libraries often depends on specific project requirements and design principles.

Debugging Tools for Efficient Development Process

Debugging tools play a crucial role in finding and fixing problems during React Native app development. Strong debugging tools make the development process smoother and more efficient by helping developers quickly identify issues and come up with solutions.

1. Reactotron

Reactotron is a powerful desktop application that many top developers use to inspect best React Native apps. It offers a wide range of features designed to make debugging easier.

Key Features

  • Application State Inspection: Provides insights into the current state of your application.
  • Real-time Event Tracking: Allows tracking of events such as Redux actions and navigation.
  • API Request Monitoring: Monitors API requests and responses, including status codes and payloads.
  • Image Overlay: Helps visualize the placement of UI components.

Example of Debugging Process

Let’s say you’re facing an issue with state management in your React Native app. Here’s how you can use Reactotron to debug it:

  • Launch Reactotron: Open the Reactotron desktop application.
  • Connect to Your App: Make sure your app is set up to connect to Reactotron.
  • Inspect State Changes: Look through the real-time state changes to find any unusual patterns.
  • Track Redux Actions: Keep an eye on Redux actions being dispatched within your app to identify any incorrect actions or payloads.
  • Resolve Issues: Make necessary changes in your code based on the insights you gather from Reactotron.

2. Flipper

Flipper is one of the best dev tools that provides great support for React Native applications. It offers a platform for visualizing, inspecting, and interacting with mobile apps.

Key Features

  • Device Logs: Access and filter logs from your connected device.
  • Network Inspector: Inspect network requests and responses directly within Flipper.
  • Layout Inspector: Analyze the structure and hierarchy of UI components in real time.
  • Crash Reporter: Access detailed crash reports to diagnose issues quickly.

Example of Debugging Process

Let’s imagine that your app keeps crashing frequently. Here’s how you can use Flipper to debug the issue:

  • Install Flipper Plugin: Make sure you have the Flipper plugin for React Native installed and set up.
  • Connect Device: Connect your development device to Flipper.
  • Access Crash Reports: Go to the Crash Reporter section in Flipper to see detailed crash logs.
  • Analyze Network Requests: Use the Network Inspector to check if any failed network requests are happening at the same time as the crashes.
  • Inspect UI Layouts: Use the Layout Inspector to make sure there are no faulty UI components causing instability.

End-to-end support with Cross-Platform App Development

Creating a seamless cross-platform development experience is crucial for any successful React Native project. The combination of BuilderX and Bitrise offers developers a comprehensive toolkit for end-to-end support, from design to build automation. Using these tools guarantees that your application runs smoothly on both Android and iOS platforms.

BuilderX: Simplifying Design for React Native

BuilderX is a powerful browser-based design tool that simplifies the process of creating React Native applications. It bridges the gap between design and development by providing a visual interface where designers can create components that developers can directly use in their codebase.

Why Choose BuilderX?

BuilderX stands out as a browser-based design tool specifically tailored for React Native. It allows designers to generate pixel-perfect components, which can be exported directly into code. This eliminates the need for manual conversions and reduces the likelihood of inconsistencies between design and implementation.

Key Features of BuilderX:

  • Component Library: BuilderX comes with a rich library of pre-built components that can be customized to fit the needs of your project.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Multiple team members can work on the same design simultaneously, ensuring that everyone stays on the same page.
  • Code Export: Designs created in BuilderX can be instantly exported as clean, readable code in React Native.
  • Responsive Design: The tool supports responsive layouts, making it easier to create designs that look great on both mobile and tablet devices.

How Does BuilderX Integrate with Development Process?

Consider a scenario where a team uses BuilderX for designing their app’s UI. Once the design is completed:

  • Designers use BuilderX to create various UI components like buttons, forms, and navigation bars.
  • These components are then exported directly as React Native code
  • Developers integrate this code into their existing project repository.

This seamless transition from design to development is further enhanced when combined with Bitrise for continuous integration.

Bitrise: Streamlining Build Automation in React Native

Bitrise is an industry-leading build automation solution tailored specifically for mobile app development. Its robust feature set makes it an ideal companion for managing complex build processes in React Native projects.

Why Choose Bitrise?

Bitrise provides an extensive platform for automating builds, testing, and deployment processes. Its integration capabilities ensure that your app remains consistent across different stages of development, reducing manual effort and potential errors.

Key Features of Bitrise:

  • Build Automation: Automate build processes across multiple environments (Android and iOS) with ease.
  • Integration Flexibility: Bitrise integrates seamlessly with over 300 tools and services including GitHub, Slack, Firebase, and more.
  • Custom Workflows: Define custom workflows for different stages of your development cycle—build, test, deploy—ensuring streamlined processes.
  • Scalability: From small teams to large enterprises, Bitrise scales effectively to meet varying demands.

How Does Bitrise Fit into the Development Workflow?

Combining BuilderX’s design capabilities with Bitrise’s build automation creates an efficient workflow:

Design Phase (BuilderX):

  • Designers create UI components using BuilderX’s intuitive interface.
  • Export these components as React Native code.

Development Phase (React Native):

  • Developers integrate the exported components into their codebase.
  • Commit changes to the version control system (e.g., GitHub).

Build & Test Phase (Bitrise):

  • Configure a workflow in Bitrise that triggers upon code commit.
  • Bitrise fetches the latest code from the repository.
  • Automatically builds the app for both Android and iOS platforms.
  • Runs automated tests to ensure functionality.

Deployment Phase (Bitrise):

  • Upon successful builds and passing tests, deploy the app to staging or production environments.

Codemagic and Instabug for Streamlining Continuous Integration and Enhancing App Quality

Codemagic is a powerful CI/CD tool designed to automate the build, test, and release processes for mobile applications, making it an invaluable asset for React Native developers. By streamlining continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), Codemagic helps maintain high app quality and reduces time-to-market.
Instabug, on the other hand, is a comprehensive bug-tracking and reporting solution tailored for mobile apps. It offers real-time error insights that help developers identify issues quickly and improve overall app performance. With features like performance monitoring, session replay, and release management, Instabug ensures that developers can deliver robust, high-quality React Native applications.

Benefits of Codemagic’s Automated Build Processes

Using Codemagic’s automated build processes provides several advantages:

  • Seamless Integration: Codemagic integrates with popular version control systems like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.
  • Custom Workflows: Developers can create custom workflows to handle different stages of the development cycle.
  • Parallel Testing: Run tests in parallel to speed up the testing process.
  • Data Encryption and Security: Codemagic ensures that sensitive data is encrypted and secure.
  • User Roles: Manage team permissions with user roles.

Example of Workflow Using Codemagic

  • Code Commit: A developer commits code changes to a repository on GitHub.
  • Automated Build Trigger: Codemagic detects the commit and triggers an automated build process.
  • Testing Phase: The code undergoes automated tests configured in the workflow.
  • Build Artifacts Generation: Successful builds generate artifacts (e.g., APKs for Android, IPAs for iOS).
  • Deployment: Artifacts are deployed to a staging environment or directly to app stores.



Instabug is a mobile-first app performance platform providing comprehensive tools for bug/crash reporting, performance monitoring, session replay, release management, app ratings/reviews, mobile native designs, and in-app surveys. Its real-time error insights make it easier for developers to address issues promptly.

Key Features

Bug Reporting:

  • Capture screenshots with detailed annotations.
  • Record screen activity leading up to bugs.
  • Automatically collect device details (e.g., OS version).

Crash Reporting:

  • Real-time crash alerts.
  • Crash stack traces.
  • User steps before crashes.

Performance Monitoring:

  • Track app launch times.
  • Monitor network request performance.
  • Detect slow frames.

Session Replay:

  • Video replays of user sessions.
  • Understand user interactions leading up to issues.

Release Management:

  • Manage multiple versions/releases.
  • Track stability metrics for each release.

Other Essential Tools and Resources for React Native Development

Developers have a wide range of powerful React Native tools to choose from to improve their workflow. These tools include IDEs, text editors, compilers, testing platforms, and code libraries.

Atom (IDE)

Atom is one of the best ide for the React native development process. It is a highly customizable text editor developed by GitHub. It offers:

  • Packages and Themes: Extend its functionality with thousands of open-source packages and themes.
  • Built-in Git Integration: Seamlessly manage your version control processes.
  • Teletype for Atom: Collaborate in real-time with other developers.

Example: Code linting in Atom can significantly reduce syntax errors during development.

Visual Studio Code (IDE)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular React native IDE known for its versatility and performance. It features:

  • IntelliSense: Provides smart completions based on variable types, function definitions, and imported modules.
  • Debugging Tools: Debug code directly from the editor with breakpoints, call stacks, and an interactive console.
  • Extensions Marketplace: Access thousands of extensions to enhance productivity.

Example: Using the React Native Tools extension in VS Code helps streamline the development process by offering debugging capabilities specific to React Native.

Nuclide (IDE)

Developed by Facebook, Nuclide is tailored specifically for React Native development. Key features include:

  • Remote Development: Work on projects hosted on remote servers as if they were local files.
  • Hack Support: Integrates seamlessly with Hack, Facebook’s PHP-compatible programming language.
  • Flow Support: Built-in support for Flow, a static type checker for JavaScript.

Example: Nuclide’s built-in support for Flow ensures type safety in large-scale applications.

WebStorm (IDE)

JetBrains’ WebStorm is the best IDE for React JS that is designed for modern JavaScript development. Highlights include:

  • Code Quality Analysis: Real-time code quality feedback provided by hundreds of inspections.
  • Navigation and Refactoring Tools: Efficiently navigate through your codebase and refactor code with ease.
  • Integrated Developer Tools: Includes a terminal, version control system integration, and debugger.

Example: Using WebStorm’s refactoring tools can help maintain clean and organized code during extensive project revisions.

Using build tools for React JS development contributes uniquely to optimizing the React Native development experience. Leveraging the right combination can lead to more efficient coding practices and robust application performance.


Using these React code analysis tools and libraries can greatly improve your React Native skills. By incorporating React Native Elements for UI, Reactotron for debugging, BuilderX and Bitrise for cross-platform support, and Codemagic and Instabug for CI/CD and bug tracking, developers can make their workflow more efficient and improve app quality.

The React Native ecosystem is constantly changing. It’s important to stay updated with new tools and best practices to stay competitive. Exploring resources like Atom, Visual Studio Code, Nuclide, and WebStorm regularly can also provide additional support in your development journey.

The list of recommended tools for React Native development covers a wide range of areas in the development process. Using these resources not only increases productivity but also ensures the creation of high-quality mobile apps for both Android and iOS platforms.

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