React Native vs NativeScript: Which is the Best for 2024?

Mobile app development has seen exponential growth, driven by the increasing demand for high-performance applications across various platforms. Choosing the right framework is crucial for developers aiming to create efficient, user-friendly mobile apps. The choice can impact everything from development speed and cost to app performance and user experience.

Among the many frameworks available, React Native and NativeScript have emerged as two of the most popular options. Both frameworks use JavaScript, a language familiar to many developers, enabling quicker adoption and reducing the learning curve.

React Native

Developed by Facebook, the React Native script allows developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It combines the flexibility of web development with the performance of native apps. This makes it possible to create applications that feel truly native while maintaining a single codebase. Notable applications built with React Native JS include Instagram, Bloomberg, Pinterest, and Skype.


NativeScript is an open-source framework enabling developers to build native mobile apps using JavaScript or TypeScript along with Angular or Vue.js. It offers direct access to native APIs, providing more control over device features compared to other frameworks. Strudel and Daily Nanny are notable examples of applications developed using NativeScript.

As we approach 2024, understanding the unique features and advantages of these frameworks becomes increasingly important. This article explores React Native vs NativeScript in terms of performance, user experience, development tools, and ecosystem support to help you make an informed decision on which framework best suits your project needs.

What is React Native?

Development Background and Purpose

React Native is a framework developed by Facebook to bridge the gap between web and mobile app development. It uses JavaScript to enable developers to build mobile applications using the same principles as React, a popular library for building user interfaces on the web.

The main goal of React Native vs Native is to combine the flexibility of web development with the performance of native apps, making it easier to create applications that work on both iOS and Android platforms.

Key Features and Advantages

React Native offers several key features and advantages that make it an appealing choice for mobile app development:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: With React Native, developers can write code once and run it on both iOS and Android devices. This saves time and effort compared to developing separate applications for each platform. This allows to hire nativescript developers easily.
  • Hot Reloading: This feature allows developers to see changes in their code immediately without having to restart the entire application. It speeds up the development process and makes it easier to iterate on designs.
  • Native Modules: React Native provides access to native device functionalities through JavaScript, allowing developers to integrate features like camera access or push notifications seamlessly.
  • Performance Enhancement: The multi-threading model used by React Native improves performance for complex applications by offloading heavy tasks onto separate threads.
  • Large Community and Resources: There is a vast community of developers using React Native, which means there are plenty of resources available such as tutorials, libraries (e.g., npm packages), and forums where developers can seek help.

Popular Applications Built with React Native

Many well-known companies have chosen React Native as their framework of choice for building mobile applications:

  • Instagram: Instagram adopted React Native because it allows them to share most of their codebase across iOS and Android platforms, resulting in faster development cycles.
  • Bloomberg: Bloomberg uses React Native to deliver a highly responsive user experience on its mobile apps, ensuring that users can access news articles and videos quickly.
  • Pinterest: Pinterest leverages the framework’s capabilities for rapid feature updates while maintaining performance across devices.
  • Skype: Skype implements React Native to achieve consistent functionality across different operating systems.

These examples demonstrate how versatile and powerful React Native can be when used by established brands.

With its combination of features tailored towards cross-platform development needs along with proven success stories from industry leaders; it’s no wonder why many developers continue choosing this framework as their go-to solution when creating robust mobile applications in 2023!

What is NativeScript?

NativeScript is an open-source framework designed to enable developers to build truly native mobile applications using JavaScript or TypeScript. Unlike other frameworks, NativeScript allows for direct access to native APIs, giving developers enhanced control over the device’s functionalities. This makes it a compelling choice for projects requiring deep native integrations.

Key Features and Advantages

  • Direct Access to Native APIs: Developers can call native APIs directly from JavaScript, affording them greater control over the device’s features.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Write once, run everywhere. Codebases can be shared across iOS and Android platforms.
  • Compatibility with Angular and Vue.js: Utilize popular frameworks like Angular and Vue.js for building sophisticated user interfaces. NativeScript Angular and NativeScript Vue are widely adopted in the community.
  • Rich Ecosystem of Plugins: A dedicated marketplace exists for plugins specifically built for NativeScript, expanding its functionality.
  • Single Codebase: Streamlines development processes by allowing a single codebase to adapt to multiple platforms.

Notable Applications Developed Using NativeScript

Several applications have leveraged NativeScript’s capabilities to deliver robust performance and seamless user experiences:

  • Strudel: An app that utilizes NativeScript’s deep native integration capabilities, featuring high-performance aspects crucial for its operation.
  • Daily Nanny: A childcare management application that takes advantage of NativeScript’s cross-platform development features to offer a consistent experience on both iOS and Android.

A strong community supports NativeScript, making it easier for developers to find resources and hire experts proficient in this framework. The combination of direct native API access and compatibility with popular front-end frameworks makes NativeScript a powerful tool in the arsenal of modern mobile app development.

Performance Comparison: React Native vs. NativeScript

Analyzing NativeScript vs React Native can be essential for developers. Understanding the performance of a mobile app framework is crucial for developers aiming to deliver seamless and efficient applications. Performance metrics often include load times, responsiveness, memory usage, and the ability to handle complex calculations and UI updates.

React Native’s Multi-threading Model

React Native leverages a multi-threaded approach. Here, you will learn about React Native single threaded or multithreaded approach:

  • JavaScript Thread: Handles the main logic and business processes.
  • Native Modules Thread: Manages native module calls.
  • UI Thread: The native React framework renders user interface components

This separation allows React Native to perform tasks concurrently, enhancing performance in applications with heavy computations or complex UIs. For example, in an image-heavy application like Instagram, offloading image processing to different threads can maintain smooth scrolling and interaction.

NativeScript’s Single-threaded Model

NativeScript operates on a single-threaded model, which has its own implications:

  • Single JavaScript Virtual Machine (VM): Executes both business logic and UI rendering in one thread.
  • Main Thread Interaction: Directly accesses native APIs without bridging multiple threads.

While this can simplify development by avoiding thread management complexities, it may impact performance under heavy computational loads. For applications requiring intensive data processing or frequent UI updates, such as real-time analytics dashboards, this could lead to slower response times compared to multi-threaded frameworks like React Native.

Key Takeaways

  • Multi-threading in React Native: Better suited for apps with complex calculations. It can handle heavy UI interactions smoothly. Example: Bloomberg’s financial data app benefits from concurrent data fetching and UI rendering.
  • Single-threading in NativeScript: Simpler architecture with direct native API access. Potential performance bottlenecks under high computational demand. Example: Daily Nanny app focuses on simpler interactions that don’t require multi-threading.

Both frameworks offer unique advantages based on their threading models. The choice between React Native and NativeScript should consider the specific performance needs of your project.

User Experience: React Native vs. NativeScript

When it comes to mobile app development, user experience plays a crucial role. It encompasses various aspects such as user interface (UI) capabilities, native device functionalities, and layout design. Both React Native and NativeScript offer powerful solutions in this domain, but they have different approaches that set them apart.

User Interface Capabilities

React Native’s Approach

React Native leverages the power of JavaScript and React to craft rich, interactive UIs. It uses a declarative style, which simplifies the process of building complex interfaces. The framework excels in projects requiring rapid updates and dynamic components.

  • React Native UI Libraries: A vast array of UI libraries like React Native Elements, NativeBase, and React Navigation enable developers to create polished and consistent interfaces swiftly.
  • Flexibility: Developers can customize components extensively or use third-party libraries to meet specific design requirements.

NativeScript’s Approach

NativeScript also provides advanced UI capabilities but with a different approach. Using XML-based markup, it allows for direct access to native widgets, enabling highly performant UI elements that feel natural on both iOS and Android.

  • Angular and Vue.js Support: For developers familiar with Angular or Vue.js, NativeScript offers seamless integration, making it easier to build sophisticated UIs while maintaining code consistency.
  • NativeScript UI Plugins: The marketplace hosts numerous plugins like NativeScript UI, which offer ready-made components for charts, calendars, and more.

Native Device Functionalities

Both frameworks shine by offering deep integrations with device hardware and OS-level APIs.

React Native’s Approach

React Native provides modules like react-native-camera for camera access or react-native-geolocation-service for location tracking. It bridges JavaScript for React Native with native code via a bridge mechanism, ensuring smooth performance without compromising functionalities.

NativeScript’s Approach

NativeScript takes a more direct approach by allowing access to all native APIs directly through JavaScript/TypeScript without needing separate bridging code. This can lead to more efficient handling of complex tasks like AR/VR functions or custom animations.

Flexbox Layout in React Native vs. Angular/Vue.js in NativeScript

The way these frameworks handle layout design further highlights their differences:

React Native’s Flexbox Layout

  • Utilizes the Flexbox model for layout management.
  • Simplifies creating responsive designs that adjust seamlessly across different screen sizes.
  • Ensures that developers familiar with web development feel at home due to its similarity with CSS Flexbox used in web applications.

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NativeScript’s Angular/Vue.js Integration

  • Offers Angular’s powerful data-binding and dependency injection features or Vue’s reactivity system.
  • Facilitates building modular and maintainable UIs using component-based architecture.
  • Enhances productivity as developers can leverage their existing knowledge of Angular/Vue.js frameworks directly within mobile app projects.

Both React Native and NativeScript provide potent tools for creating exceptional user experiences. The choice between them often boils down to the specific needs of the project and the developer’s familiarity with each framework’s unique offerings.

Development Tools and Ecosystem

React Native: npm Libraries

React Native benefits significantly from the vast ecosystem of npm libraries. With thousands of packages available, developers can easily find tools, components, and utilities to enhance their applications. Some commonly used npm packages in React Native include:

  • react-navigation: A widely-used library for handling navigation and routing.
  • redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript mobile apps.
  • axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making network requests.

The availability of these libraries accelerates development time by providing pre-built solutions for common challenges.

NativeScript: Marketplace for Plugins

NativeScript also offers a robust selection of plugins through its dedicated Marketplace. This platform is tailored specifically for NativeScript, ensuring compatibility and seamless integration with the framework. Popular plugins include:

  • nativescript-camera: Access the device camera functionalities.
  • nativescript-geolocation: Integrate geolocation services into your app.
  • nativescript-ui-sidedrawer: Create a side drawer navigation menu.

These plugins enable developers to leverage native device capabilities effectively, often without writing additional native code.

Community Support and Resources

Both frameworks boast active communities that provide substantial support and resources:

React Native

  • GitHub Repository: The official React Native GitHub repository is a hub for reporting issues, contributing to the codebase, and accessing documentation.
  • Stack Overflow: A rich source of community-driven Q&A where developers can find answers to common problems.
  • Official Documentation: Comprehensive guides and tutorials available on the official website.


  • Discourse Forum: The NativeScript Discourse forum serves as a place for community discussions, troubleshooting, and idea exchange.
  • NativeScript Slack Channel: An active Slack community where developers can seek real-time help and share knowledge.
  • Official Documentation: Detailed documentation available on the NativeScript website, covering various aspects of the framework.

Both communities offer extensive support networks, though React Native’s larger user base translates to a broader range of available resources.

Understanding these development tools and ecosystems helps in selecting the right framework based on your project needs. Whether it’s leveraging npm libraries in React Native or utilizing specialized plugins from the NativeScript Marketplace, both frameworks offer compelling advantages that cater to different development requirements.


The choice between React vs NativeScript ultimately hinges on the specific needs and preferences of your project. React Native excels in offering a robust multi-threading model, extensive community support, and a vast ecosystem of npm libraries, making it ideal for projects that need rapid development cycles and cross-platform compatibility.

On the other hand, NativeScript provides direct access to native APIs and supports Angular and Vue.js, offering a more native-like performance and greater control over device functionalities. Both frameworks have proven their capabilities through notable applications and active developer communities, ensuring that either choice can lead to the successful development of high-performance mobile applications as we move into 2024.

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